Thursday, September 24, 2009

Paleo Challenge: Day #17

Once again, I am running a day behind on blogging about my Paleo Challenge efforts. Yesterday morning was a rough morning in class and I think it wore me out for the whole day. I got up early and made a wonderful breakfast of poached eggs, carrots and an apple. I know it sounds like an interesting combination, but really, it was quite tasty.

Lunch was a salad with baby greens, mushrooms, carrots, and turkey. I also had about a fourth of a cup of almonds and some grapes on the side. I had a few more almonds and a banana as a snack before I headed out the door to the gym. The WOD for yesterday was:


500m Row

15 Pull-ups (work on kip)

Press PVC Skill work



1 – 1 – 1 – 1 – 1 – 1 – 1, find 1RM

*1 RM = 1 Rep Max

I was only able to get to 65 pounds before maxing out on my press. It is amazing to me how much more weight I can press when I am allowed the small dip before which constitutes a push-press. During the warm-up, I was able to do my pull-ups unassisted (no bands) in sets of 3.

I actually ate my second snack of almonds and some carrots right after the gym so that I could shower and take my son to a scout night at a bookstore. Then I came home to a late dinner of stuffed green peppers. My husband had put everything from mushrooms to eggs to carrots in with the ground beef, but no rice or breadcrumbs. They were very delicious. He did a great job.

I've only got just over a week more of this challenge. I will post all of my thoughts about how it went at the end, but as a quick interlude, I wanted to note that while I don't love the deprivation, I have loved the fact that my blood sugar isn't all over the place.

1 comment:

Brig said...

I got up early and made a wonderful breakfast of poached eggs, carrots and an apple.

It is a mark of how far gone I am that this sounded like an average, standard, breakfast. In fact, I wondered where the veggies were. :-P