Saturday, September 19, 2009

Paleo Challenge: Day #13

Well, the challenge ends two weeks from today. I will make it.

Breakfast this morning was a pear, some nuts and two eggs. There wasn't much in the house, so I just scraped together what I could. Then I headed off to the gym for the 9:30 WOD. The WOD today was:

2 Person team will complete:

800m Relay Run

80 Wall Balls


80 Box Jumps

800m Relay Run

80 Push-Press

80 Burpees

80 Sit-ups

800m Relay Run

The girl I was paired up with is a Sargent in the ROTC and was a lot better than I was. We ended up on having to take some of the weight off for the SDLHP and Push-Presses, so that I could complete my part. We finished up in 43:15.

I made it to the store before lunch and so I had a bunch of fresh fruit and veges along with some turkey for lunch.

My afternoon snack was some nuts and a peach.

We had dinner out with the rest of the crossfit people at BD's Mongolian Grill. It was quite a feast and good times with our fellow gym friends, though some were almost unrecognizable in their made-up non-gym state.

I was stuffed after dinner, but in the spirit of the challenge, I am currently eating an evening snack - a single golden delicious apple.

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