Sunday, November 16, 2008

I lied.

I am not a liar by nature, but a few posts back, when I said I had overcome the "ewwww" factor to parenting, I now believe I may have lied.

Lately, sweet Michael has been going through the water fascination stage that all kids go through at one point or another. Luckily, the manufacturers of refrigerators know this is an issue and have installed a lock button on their water dispensers. But, if someone forgets to press the lock button for the full three seconds after filling their cup with freshly filtered fridge water, we pay for it shortly. Michael fills up whatever cup or container he can get a hold of and dumps it on the carpet, or the wood floors, or sometimes, if we are lucky, just in a plant or on the cat. Then he runs to fill up his cup again. Usually we catch him in action pretty quickly and the consequence are just an unexpected load of laundry or a very angry cat.

This morning, I started my day with a cool, clean glass of filtered water and then diligently locked the dispenser. A while later, I saw Michael running around with a cup, but I felt confident. I knew he had no access to water - not on the main floor anyway. He can't reach the sinks without a boost and doing that gives the rumbling warning of a chair being pushed across the floor along with two year old grunting. No, all was safe. I could lay back and relax.

Then, I saw him walk by casually. He was drinking water. From his previously empty cup. And I saw what room he had come from - which I'm sure you've guessed by now. And the lid was up. And...ewwwwwwww, yuck, double yuck. My gag reflex went into overdrive. I grabbed the cup and threw it in the sink. Then I washed his hands and face. No, I have not overcome the "ewwww" factor. Not at all.


Brig said...

He gets his persistence from your side of the family. I'd have given up on getting water for myself and just whined until you gave me some, if I were him.

Kimbooly said...

Ew ew ew!

Although I do love your comment about being lucky if the water is only poured on the cat....

Janeal said...

I just found your blog in a very round about way. I am really glad I did because I have thoroughly enjoyed reading just the last couple of entries. I forgot how fun you are to talk/listen to. I miss visiting you and hearing stories about your boys and bonding about the woes of motherhood. I had to laugh so hard at your entry about Michael because my Jake (who, as you recall, is only a couple of months younger) does the exact same thing!!! He has yet to drink out of the toilet (I will now keep a better eye on that :) but he did put my lambswool duster in the toilet and then drag it all over the floor the other day. Of course, it has to be an item that I can't wash. Anyway, I am excited that you have a blog so now I can add it to my blog lists and enjoy your fun postings!

Shauna said...

Yuck. (full body shudder) How do they come up with these things?

momofa2e said...

You are hilarious! I love your blog. Boys are unique, I'll give you that.